Hello, welcome to the Expository Reading and Writing Course page.
Kids! Look>>>Peter Elbow’s Writing With Power, as a PDF!
The curriculum for ERWC seeks to address the big leap our students have to make between high school and college; too many students across the country are leaving high school unprepared for both the complexity and the amount of the reading and writing that they are expected to handle in their classes — and not just their English classes — once they get to college.
I have been teaching ERW at Mayfair High School since 2007-08; what started with just one section and one teacher in that first year has grown in the ensuing years to two teachers and five sections — nearly 200 seniors at Mayfair take ERW, and it is now offered at Bellflower High School as well. Erich Phinizy and I are collaborators and partners in Expository Reading and Writing at Mayfair.
Mr. Phinizy has created a website that I am going to link to from here.
Students! All our handouts and assignments will be easy to find in “The Box” under the ERWC drop down link.
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