
The easiest, most direct way to get in touch with me is through email:


When sending email, use the familiar “@” symbol between my name and the BUSD server address; I removed it here in an attempt to foil the Dreaded Spam-Bots.

Grab my attention by putting your name (or your child’s name) in the subject line.  Like many of us, I receive nearly 100 emails a day, so I appreciate brevity.  And patience.

Feel free to contact me by telephone [562-925-9981 ext. 2508], but understand that we are “Old School” here at Mayfair, with a switchboard that opens at 7:15 a.m. and closes at 3:15 p.m.  If I am teaching when the phone rings, I cannot focus or speak frankly with 76 eyeballs staring at me, and whatever momentum I had going in the lesson is lost as kids find ways to amuse themselves while I’m on the phone.

My conference period during the 2013-2014 school year is 6th period, but our bell schedule shifts around depending on multiple factors.  You’re safe calling me most days at 2:00 p.m., but I’m not always in my classroom, and there is no voice mail.

This is why I say your best bet is email.  I check my email frequently, and respond as quickly as I can.

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